Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hi again!

I know, it looks like I've forgotten all about this. I haven't forgotten, just don't have time when I think about it, and when I have the time, I don't think about it. How's that for an excuse? :)

Last night, Hannah had her first slumber party with 6 other little ladies to celebrate her 8th birthday. Needless to say it was a night filled with lots of squealing. I was honored to be the Bingo caller for them. We ate pizza & cookies, then I went home. Too old for the all nighters anymore.

Well, I actually took the big step this week and registered for the BAK (Bicycling Across Kansas). I'm not going CLEAR across Kansas - that's eight days and over 400 miles. My plan is 4 days and just halfway across. The 4th day goes through Abbyville (a key factor in deciding THIS is the year). That day ends in Halstead, but I may just conclude my trip in my hometown. I bought a road bike this week and have about 37 mi on it already - 18 today in the beautiful weather. Got home about 10 minutes before a storm moved in. Yes we are in Kansas - you've got to jump at those perfect weather times, because there's a good chance it will change rapidly.

The school where Hannah is a second grader holds a Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser each year for the American Heart Association. This year Hannah was the top money raiser for the entire school and her class was the top class money raiser. On her fund raising packet, there was a place for her to indicate someone to honor. She chose Gramps (my father who passed away exactly a year prior) who died from heart disease. I heard her ask some people at church for donations and she always included that she was doing it in honor of Gramps. He would have been proud as am I.

Jessica and family have been home for 3 weekends this past month for various circumstances. Although unusual for them to be here that much, it has been a joy to have those 2 little boys here getting to know us better. Nolan loves to go with "Papa drive moos". One of the occassions for their visit was Hannah's family party last weekend where the following pic was taken of Nolan, Kevin, Hannah, Curtis' Uncle Rodney (who adores the kids), CJ, & Ty.

I'll finish today's blog now and try not to wait so long till the next one.

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